How do I add a lightbox to the gallery?

Since version 2.2.1 the plugin includes a copy of swipebox. A lightweight responsive and mobile friendly lightbox, which you can activate from the RGG Gallery page in your wordpress dashboard.

If you don’t like the built-in lightbox, or if you think it’s too lightweight, you can keep it disabled and install a third party lightbox plugin. Most lightboxes that work with the native WP gallery will work.

Some third party lightbox plugins that work with Responsive Gallery Grid are:

The images to the left and right of the grid are cut of when I mouse over them. How do I solve this?

This will happen if one of the gallery containers has the CSS property overflow:hidden. If possible, you will need to change this to overflow:visible. If not, you can wrap the gallery inside a div, and assign some margins to it. If that’s no option either, you should just disable scaling, or use negative scaling by setting the scale property to a value between 0.5 and 1 in the schortcode.

How can I further configure and modify the gallery to my needs?

The gallery can be configured with a bunch of parameters.

Can I link the images in the gallery to external pages?

Yes, in order for this to work, you need to install WP Gallery Custom Links. Live example.

Where do I find my license key? (Pro only)

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on Orders.
  3. Click the View button in the actions Column next to the relevant order.
  4. Your license key should be displayed here. If not, please contact me at jules@bdwm.be and I will generate a new license key for you.

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