Responsive Gallery Grid adds a number of parameters to the [gallery]
For a full overview of these parameters, go here. If you want to see some of them in action, proceed here.
All squares, with captions disabled.
[gallery ids="38,37,36,35,34,33,32" maxrowheight="75" image_size="thumbnail" captions="off"]
Smaller images with custom animation speed and reverse zoom
[gallery ids="38,37,36,35,..." maxrowheight="50" scale="0.8" margin="10" intime="500" outtime="500"]
Unresponsive Google Ads
I’m not allowed to ask you to click them, so please don’t. They are just here for fun, not because I want you to click them. Don’t even move your cursor over them, as this will increase the chance of you accidentally clicking the ad. Guide your cursor around them carefully and check out the rest of my amazing advanced responsive gallery grid examples.
Use native gallery
[gallery ids="37,36,32" type="native"]
- A nice purplish flower. Sure, the bees will love this beauty!
- Just some mushrooms growin’ on a trunk.
- Don’t they look delicious? Didn’t you which you could just.. eat them! Or something.
You can add borders and custom CSS to the images.
.special-style .rgg-img {
border: 4px solid #3c3c9c;
border-bottom-width: 20px;
[gallery ids="37,36,34,35,33,31" class="special-style"]
Note: you cannot add padding or margins this way. To add margins between the images set the margin parameter in the schortcode or globally under Dashboard > RGG Options > Margin.
Random order
[gallery ids="38,37,36,35,34,33,32" orderby="rand"]
Go ahead and refresh the page if you don’t believe me
Image above (lightbox alternative)
[gallery ids="38,37,36,35,34,33,32" lightbox="image-above"]